The following 50 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
account   activate   admin   app   blinkenshell   Blinkenshell   blog   buildserver   cd   commands   config   configuration   Contact   created   dereference   django   Django   ex   following   for   get   include   independence   like   myappname   need   needs   new   on   path   pip   project   python3   reload   run   server   settings   some   source   started   startproject   Supporter   to   touch   username   venv   want   web   what   with  

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To run a Django site on Blinkenshell you need a Info/Supporter account.

To get started with a new site run the following commands on the buildserver:

cd ~
python3 -m venv django
cd django/
source bin/activate
python3 -m pip install Django
django-admin startproject myappname

In your ALLOWED_HOSTS = [""]

Contact independence after you created the project and include what url path you want the app to run on like /blog/ for ex, some configuration needs to be added to web server

To reload config: touch --no-dereference ~/django/myappname/reload