The following 78 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
abandoned   account   active   actual   additional   alias   alphanumeric   blinkenshell   but   by   can   characters   concise   current   description   diffrent   etc   Explanation   for   gameserver1   heading   hilight   idea   if   kind   Like   like   line   Long   longer   looking   make   making   member1   member2   Members   members   much   name   named   names   number   on   one   open   port   possible   preferrably   preferred   Project   project   put   request   Requests   requests   resources   section   server   setup   shell   short   should   status   Status   Summary   Template   text   This   this   to   unix   username   using   want   webpage   what   will   would  

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Project Template

Title: <title>

Summary: <one line description>

Status: idea - looking for members - active - abandoned

Requests: <server resources>

Project username: <unix username>


  • member1
  • member2

Long description: <add as much text and diffrent heading etc as you like here>


In the status line, hilight the current status of your project by making it bold.

In the requests line you can put what kind of server resources you would like to make the project possible. Like "1 open TCP port, preferred port number 5000, preferred DNS-name"

The project username is what the the actual UNIX account will be named on the shell server. This should be a short and concise name, preferrably 3-8 alphanumeric characters. An alias for the webpage will also be setup using this name, but you can request additional (longer) DNS names for your webpage in the requests section above if you want.